Machinekit Images


Machinekit Images are now auto-generated by Robert Nelson as part of the standard BeagleBone OS image suite.  You can find the latest Machinekit uSD card image at this link.  While a large portion of the details below (writing the uSD card, login credentials, etc.) have not changed


Everything below is now deprecated.  If you are interested in running Machinekit on the BeagleBone, see the link above.

I have created a turn-key Machinekit BeagleBone SD Card image, based on the official Debian release for the BeagleBone using Robert C Nelson's omap-image-builder scripts and the Machinekit software to allow easy experimentation and to promote the use of Machinekit and LinuxCNC in the 3D printer and maker communities.

NOTE: While I said "turn-key" above, if you are unfamiliar with Linux in general you should not be playing with this setup.  I assume if you are wanting to be on this particular bleeding edge you are comfortable typing commands at a Linux command prompt and editing configuration files.

Supported Capes

Most of the capes on the Hardware Capes page that are actually available have example configurations in the latest images.  If you have questions about a particular cape, please ask on the Machinekit list.

Image Details

Default username/password:
  • username: machinekit
  • password: machinekit
Default root user/password:
  • login as user machinekit
  • use the sudo command, no password required
Image Updated:
  • Latest
    • Images are now auto-built by Robert Nelson.
    • Get the latest version from eLinux.
  • 2014-05-19
    • Reduce image size by removing the documentation build dependencies for LinuxCNC
    • This saves over 1G of space, making the 4G eMMC on the new RevC BeagleBone a useful size (the previous image fit, but just barely and was 100% full before adding any user files!)
    • Update the kernel and build scripts, including the new eMMC flasher from RCN
  • 2014-05-09
    • Switch to the official BeagleBone Debian image as a base, now that the RevC BeagleBone ships with 4GB eMMC and Debian installed by default
    • Switch to using Machinekit repositories instead of LinuxCNC, since the universal RTOS support required for running on a BeagleBone is not part of the upcoming LinuxCNC 2.6 release.
    • Updated kernel that runs at full speed (the bone33 Xenomai kernel on the previous image was stuck at whatever sluggish speed the boot-loader configured!)
    • MANY changes, both big and small related to switching to the BeagleBone version of Debian, for example lxde and systemd are used instead of xfce and sysvinit.  If you have issues with the basic Linux environment, first check for BeagleBone Debian specific information, then fall back to standard Debian documentation.  See the Support page for links.
  • 2013-12-28
    • Switch to lightdm to fix issues with consolekit permissions (fixes disabled shutdown/reboot buttons, broken USB auto-mounting, etc)
    • Update to latest bone33 kernel
    • Update to latest RCN build scripts and Debian 7.3
    • Create 4GB image file for users w/o access to an appropriate Linux box for running
  • 2013-09-02
  • 2013-07-13
    • Switch to 3.8.13xenomai-bone23 kernel
    • Leave HDMIN (no audio) enabled by default in uEnv.txt
    • Add xfce desktop and netsurf web browser
    • Remove apache and udhcpd
    • Remove linuxcnc user from admin group to enable existing NOPASSWD setting in sudoers.d to work properly:
        gpasswd -d linuxcnc admin
    • Switch ~/linuxcnc working copy to MachineKit branch:
        cd ~/linuxcnc
        git fetch origin
        git checkout -t origin/MachineKit
        cd src
        sudo make setuid
  • 2013-06-14
    • Disable HDMI and eMMC on boot for BeagleBone Black (conflicts with default BeBoPr pinout)
    • Build and install device tree overlay files when creating image
    • Install missing packages when creating image
    • Add startup script to check for and optionally load any required device tree overlays and export any needed GPIO pins
    • Source LinuxCNC rip-environment in .bashrc so LinuxCNC is ready to run at login
  • 2013-06-11
    • Initial Release

    Write the SD card

    The following instructions are for Linux, and assume you are comfortable typing commands at the console.  Adafruit has some good instructions for imaging the uSD card if you are using Windows or Mac.  I also have some (dated) instructions you may find useful if you only have a windows machine and the BeagleBone.

    Download the compressed prebuilt image file:
    Verify the image with md5sum:
    md5sum debian-7.4-machinekit-armhf-2014-05-19-4gb.img.xz
    a38cadbf40ba18f8b1f1d9ea2fcf9a06  debian-7.4-machinekit-armhf-2014-05-19-4gb.img.xz
    Write the image to uSD card:
    xzcat debian-7.4-machinekit-armhf-2014-05-19-4gb.img.xz | dd bs=1024 of=/dev/sdX
    Boot the image in your BeagleBone and login:
    username: machinekit
    password: machinekit
    If you need more hand-holding getting to this point, see the BeagleBone Update Instructions, Adafruit's OS Install Instructions, the elinux BeagleBone Black Debian page or ask for help from the community.

    Write the eMMC (RevC ONLY!)

    UPDATE: The eMMC Flasher image need to have the eMMC device enabled. Edit the uEnv.txt file on the FAT partition, and change the optargs= line to read:
    If you have a BeagleBone RevC with 4G eMMC, you can use the eMMC Flasher image version instead of the version above that runs from the uSD card.  Follow the instructions above, but download the BBB-eMMC-Flasher image.  After booting the uSD card, wait for all the user LEDs to turn on solid indicating the eMMC is successfully flashed.  Power down, remove the uSD card, and boot into Machinekit running from the on-board eMMC flash!
    NOTE: Some versions of the eMMC flasher will automatically shut down the BeagleBone. If your BeagleBone turns off, it has been successfully flashed. If there is an error, all for LEDs will flash in unison.

    Disk Space

    WARNING: The first Machinekit images based on the BeagleBone Debian image were virtually unusable on a 4GB storage device (either a 4GB uSD card or the RevC on-board 4GB eMMC).  Do not try to use one of these images with a 4GB device, make sure you have a newer image (the *.xz image size should be well under 1 GB).  If you are using a larger uSD card, you will probably want to run the /opt/scripts/tools/ script to use all available storage space.

    Quick Start

    Open a console window and launch LinuxCNC:
    linuxcnc &
    To get LinuxCNC and the PRU jumping through hoops and sending out step/dir pulses without further delay:
    • Select the example configuration that matches your hardware (I suggest starting with the CRAMPS configuration if you don't have any hardware) and launch LinuxCNC
    • Take the machine out of Emergency Stop (click the big red X)
    • Turn the machine on (click the power button next to the big red X)
    • Home all axis: Click each axis radio button (X, Y, Z, A, in turn) then click the "home axis" button
    • Run the default LinuxCNC gcode program by clicking the "play" button or the Machine -> Run program menu item.
    NOTE: If you want to switch between configurations that load unique hardware overlays, you should reboot.  It is currently not possible to cleanly unload device tree overlays, so if you need to load a new overlay that conflicts with anything already loaded, you have to reboot to start with a clean slate.  You can run any of the software only configurations (the various simulator choices) or hardware configurations that use the same overlay (all setups are gradually being migrated to using the cape-universal overlay) without worrying about this.

    LinuxCNC Instructions

    There is a great LinuxCNC User Manual and much more available at the documentation page on the LinuxCNC website.


    I will release updates to the SD card image as development progresses, but there should be little or no need to re-image your card from scratch.  The OS is Debian Wheezy, and you can stay current on packages and security updates with the usual apt/aptitude tools.

    The LinuxCNC code in the image is a full git clone of the repository where BeagleBone development is taking place.  To update your LinuxCNC install simply:
    cd ~/linuxcnc/src
    git pull origin
    sudo make setuid
    Otherwise, new images will likely contain fixes to avoid having to manually work-around the issues listed above (or any others that come up), which I will try to list so you can fix them yourself instead of having to start with a new image.


    If you see the following:

    bash: line 0: echo: write error: File exists
    Error loading device tree overlay file: BB-LCNC-BEBOPR
    BeBoPr.hal:10: program '/home/linuxcnc/linuxcnc/configs/BeagleBone/BeBoPr/' failed, returned 1
    Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...

    ... then you likely have a resource conflict while trying to load the device tree overlay, perhaps a BeBoPr without a Bridge and you did not modify uEnv.txt. You cannot safely unload device tree overlays, so if you run into this problem, verify the optargs= line in /boot/uboot/uEnv.txt, fix as appropriate to your setup, and reboot.


    PLEASE do not ask for support in the comments section!

    I am actively monitoring the Beagle Board Google Group and the LinuxCNC user list and developer list.  If you have problems, please ask for help in one of these places as appropriate.  You may e-mail me directly, but preference will be given to folks who ask questions via the appropriate list, where others can help answer your questions and where the answered questions become a store of knowledge that benefits the whole community.


  1. I can get to a splash screen for LCNC on a BBB using machinekit w/the pending updated applies, but it exits early:

    linuxcnc@arm:~/linuxcnc$ LINUXCNC - 2.6.0~pre
    Machine configuration directory is '/home/linuxcnc/linuxcnc/configs/BeagleBone/BeBoPr'
    Machine configuration file is 'BeBoPr.ini'
    Starting LinuxCNC...
    io started
    halcmd loadusr io started
    BB-LCNC-BEBOPR overlay found
    cape-bone-iio overlay found
    memmapped gpio port 1 to 0xb6d2f000, oe: 0xb6d2f134, set: 0xb6d2f194, clr: 0xb6d2f190
    memmapped gpio port 2 to 0xb69c2000, oe: 0xb69c2134, set: 0xb69c2194, clr: 0xb69c2190
    PRU data ram mapped
    num_pwmgens : 3
    num_stepgens: 4
    BeBoPr.hal:226: parameter or pin 'bb_gpio.p8.out-41.invert' not found
    Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...
    Cleanup done
    LinuxCNC terminated with an error. You can find more information in the log:
    as well as in the output of the shell command 'dmesg' and in the terminal

    linxucnc_debug.txt has:
    Can not find -sec MOT -var MOT -num 1
    Can not find -sec IO -var IO -num 1
    Can not find -sec LINUXCNC -var NML_FILE -num 1
    Can not find -sec EMC -var NML_FILE -num 1
    Stopping realtime threads
    Unloading hal components

    linuxcnc_print.txt shows:
    Starting LinuxCNC server program: linuxcncsvr
    Loading Real Time OS, RTAPI, and HAL_LIB modules
    Starting LinuxCNC IO program: io
    Killing task linuxcncsvr, PID=5087
    Removing HAL_LIB, RTAPI, and Real Time OS modules
    Removing NML shared memory segments

    Seen on this commit, plus a few going back that I tried:

    commit 94d9e0c506817ac7a1f929243feb9490b2d043e2
    Author: Charles Steinkuehler
    Date: Wed Jul 10 08:13:26 2013 -0500

    configs/BeBoPr : Fix configuration for BeBoPr + Bridge

    The offending line is in this block:

    # Axis enable signals
    # FIXME: These need to be inverted!
    net emcmot.00.enable => bb_gpio.p8.out-41
    setp bb_gpio.p8.out-41.invert 1
    net emcmot.01.enable => bb_gpio.p8.out-40
    setp bb_gpio.p8.out-40.invert 1
    net emcmot.02.enable => bb_gpio.p8.out-28
    setp bb_gpio.p8.out-28.invert 1
    net emcmot.03.enable => bb_gpio.p8.out-20
    setp bb_gpio.p8.out-20.invert 1

    It's this line:
    setp bb_gpio.p8.out-41.invert 1

    Any ideas, Charles? Thanks.

    FWIW, I have not connected the BeBoPr yet.

  2. You need to recompile:
    cd ~/linuxcnc/src
    sudo make setuid

  3. Thanks - not sure how I missed that, but I'm able to get past the splash screen now.

  4. I'm able to get a bunch of steppers moving stepping smoothly now (3/4, because I have one failed Pololu driver board). The temperature looks right (and when I disconnect those pins it drops), but M104 doesn't seem to work as it should. I see the temp rise, but nowhere near as high as I would expect, so I'd like to debug by checking out the PWM value given to the hotend output (which does rise a bit, to 50C or so). The hotend and thermistor are both fine when connected to a printrboard running Marlin, so I pretty sure that there's some software oddity here. Is there some easy way to graph this over time (like in Repetier) or even just have it print out the commanded value to the screen every second or with an M code? Also, is there an M119 equivalent in LinuxCNC? Thanks - there's a lot of new stuff to learn in LinuxCNC.

  5. Minor error above:
    cd debian-7.1-machinekit-armhf-2013-07-13.tar
    --> cd debian-7.1-machinekit-armhf-2013-07-13
    The dir won't have the .tar after extraction.

  6. You can make an M119 code if you like, but what you really want is Machine -> Hal Scope (you can run it from the command line too). What thermistor are you using? I only have a table for the Epcos B57560G1104 at the moment, but the hooks are in place to provide for more options.

  7. It's a thermistor that came with a J-head from TriDPrinting; the temperature looks right for room temp (23/24C), the temperature shows a rise when I touch it with my fingers, and when I disconnect it, it goes to a negative value. I'll check on the PN. One oddity is that the extruder temp shows the number -1.0 in the GUI, but the temp bar hangs at 23C (with slight variation).

    The hal scope (tnx for the pointer) checking e0.heater shows occasional blips with most values at -6.94 and occasional blips at 742 and -756. What is the range for these values, and how/where do they get converted to temperature?

    Hal_pru_generic.pwmgen.00.out.00.value stays at 0 but shows some blips to 742.5. Well, this would explain why the heater's not heating up.

    Also, can you give me an example of an M104 command that works for you? Oddly, "M104 200" complains about an M code greater than 199. M104 S200 doesn't complain but doesn't work for me.


  8. halcmd show pin pid
    26 float IN -1 pid.0.command <== e0.temp.set

    I think that's the problem: -1. M104 is not "enabled" on my system. The implementation is so simple; ~/linuxcnc/nc_files/M104 is:

    halcmd sets e0.temp.set $1
    exit 0

    ... so I think there's some setting missing to enable the use of M104 as I expect.

  9. The temperature loop works for me, but I just don't know the right M-code. This works:

    halcmd sets e0.temp.set 200

  10. LinuxCNC uses "real" gcode (as in RS274D/ISO 6983), so you need to use P and Q parameters with M1xx codes, ie:

    M104 P200

  11. Thanks, I'm not used to "real" gcode, coming from the Marlin side & previously using LCNC without M-codes. There's one more thing left before I can print: getting the fan control running under M-code control. JP3 has full voltage and I assume this is the right output. To change this, I tried:

    halcmd setp hal_pru_generic.pwmgen.00.out.01.value 0.25

    ... but saw no change. The bit is enabled. What's the right way to change the fan value? Thanks.

  12. Hi! its not working through usb network, it keep trying and trying but never get paired.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Your work here looks great and is very much appreciated. I have one question about the image. Is it currently setup to run from MicroSD so that it is compatible with BBW or is the image unable to get below 2gb to burn to eMMC? I have only gotten as far as downloading writing SD card and booting.

    1. Currently, only SD cards are supported mostly because it reduces work. An SD image will work on both BB, and has enough space for a full LinuxCNC development environment. It should be possible to run LinuxCNC in the 2G eMMC on the 'Black, but it would be very difficult to squeeze in a full development environment (LinuxCNC currently has a lot of heavy-weight requirements for building, particularly for the documentation side of things).

  15. Just wanted to let you know, that I installed a Wheezy virtual machine to do this, and the script failed do to missing partprobe. I was able to get it moving again after installing parted. Just a heads up you may want your script to check for the parted package.

    Thanks, Brian

  16. Hi,

    So Xmas is coming and I would like to update my reprap 3d printer with your cool stuff.

    What should I buy?

    Do you ship to Austria?



  17. Hi Charles

    I saw a new machinekit from december, but no remark here in the blog
    Is there a special reason?
    Or is all new develloped stuff included?

    1. I didn't post because it was created mostly to get back to a baseline (with the latest kernel and image updates from RCN's upstream), and I hadn't tested it much. I've since done a bit of testing and it looks OK, but I'm planning on making some changes (at least switching to lightdm to fix some issues with consolekit). There's no harm in using the current December image, but I'm hoping to have an even newer one in a week or so.

    2. Thx Charles.
      I'll wait.
      And i saw that setup-sdcard.... does not work with my fresh, unmodified angstrom ..

  18. Hi Charles,
    Since it looks like I'm going to work on a delta, I followed the instructions above and created an SD card. Apart from the missing parted package with the partprobe tool as mentioned by Brian Morel, everything went smooth. But when I booted from the card I got the hung_task_timeout after 120 seconds of uptime. I realize the kernel must be old, have I missed some instructions on how to upgrade to the latest kernel?
    -- Bas

    1. I have some new kernels and images available if you browse the server:

      I haven't tested these enough to do an "official" release, but I'm using the latest image here and it's working OK so far.

    2. Charles

      Did you ever get to the bottom of the hiccup problem?


    3. Yes (full thread on the LinuxCNC developer list). It turned out to be a problem with the GUI interface code, which was intentionally shutting down motion when enabling the back-plot for some crazy reason. I switched back to the Axis GUI and haven't had further problems (although I have to select the DRO tab instead of the back-plot tab to keep usable performance since 3D acceleration doesn't work yet with any Xenomai kernels I'm aware of).

    4. I am so interested in Trying and developing this to run My Cnc Router (Currently using Mach3 but hate windows).
      Time to invest in the beaglebone when i can find one in the uk and maybe a Db25 Cape from Alex when he has them in stock.
      As far as i can see i would not need anything else,well a hdmi to vga convertor?.
      This could really be a big hit in the home cnc area,as there is nothing like it.
      Keep up the fantastic work Charles.

  19. Hello LinuxCNC community,

    Could you, please, tell which ARM toolchain needs to be used on the Linux Host in order to compile executables for BBB LinuxCNC distribution, you provided in aforementioned SD image file.


    Djordje Stojic.

    1. There is no "Linux Host". The image is a standard Debian release, and uses the provided Debian tool chain. The compiler is already installed in the MachineKit images via "aptitude install build-essential", so just download or create a *.c file and run gcc. If you _really_ want to build on another machine, you can use the rootfs image and perform native builds on a higher-powered ARM system via chroot or use qemu transparent emulation and build on an x86 system (see the omap-image-builder scripts for details). But I recommend you just build on the BeagleBone unless you have a strong reason not to.

  20. I see the BeBoPr boards come with a license for the PRU code... does this mean that MachineKit with any other cape (or no cape) has only the 'soft' realtime kernel, and doesn't use the PRU's?

  21. The PRU code license for the BeBoPr is for Bas Laarhoven's code (he's the designer of the BeBoPr). The Machinekit images all use open-source PRU code I wrote for LinuxCNC, so everyone has a GPL license to run and modify the code. The code can work with most any board that needs step/dir pulses, since the PRU can be setup to wiggle any arbitrary GPIO pin. If you're interested, my PRU code can be found here:

  22. I have a BBB plus Alex' bbb_parport cape running his version of the machinekit image. Since my machine is not built yet I lent the BBB to a friend to try with his gantry mill. Now he said the BBB is running only 350 MHz or so which makes any GUI operation painfully slow.
    Did I do something wrong when writing the image or is this a problem with machinekit?

    Did anyone build a flasher image out of machinekit yet? I'd like to free the SD card slot during operation.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Please follow the instructions on the "Support" tab instead of asking questions in the comments!

      That said, you should be able to use identical kernel options, since the kernel on the MachineKit images is mostly identical to the Angstrom kernels (with Xenomai real-time patches). For instance, I use the "video=HDMI-A-1:" syntax to force a specific resolution. Please double-check that you're actually passing the parameter to the kernel by running "cat /proc/cmdline", then ask for additional help on the BeagleBone mailing list, as requested on the Support page.

  24. thanks for posting/creating... got my BBB with CNC Cape and LVDS and Bridge working on first attempt. I have a ShapeOko v1 Modified and will try to figure out how to configure the LinuxCNC from there.


  25. Thank you for all your hard work.

    I want to try playing with LinuxCNC, but all the images are missing. Just get a wiki page telling me:"The page deb you want to access does not exist."

    Thaqnk you,

    1. OOPS! It looks like some of the recent DNS and website changes have broken something. We'll get it fixed soon!

    2. Cool. :)

      Thank you,

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hi, Thanks for all documentation but the link doesn't work. If its possible could you fix it.

    Best Regards,

    1. Sorry, I fat-fingered a git command a few minutes ago and deleted the pre-built image files. I'm already restoring from backup, but my uplink speed is a bit sluggish when moving around GB sized files. The 12/28 files should be finished uploading in about 5 minutes.

    2. 12/28 files have completed uploading, try again and see if you still have problems.

  28. thanks for quick support. I will try it.

    Many Thanks

    Best Regards,

  29. Hi Charles,

    I want to say thank you for image and supports. By the way i would like to ask that when BBB start to copy image from micrommc to eMMC, it takes a long time and also i have been waiting for more than one hour. Maybe there is a mistake on my system.

    I would like to know that do you think how long should i wait for copying from microMMC to eMMC ?

    Best Regards,

    1. My images do not flash the on-board eMMC, they run natively off of the uSD card. If you are waiting for all four lights to come on indicating the eMMC is programmed, you will be waiting a _long_ time. :-)

  30. ahh. I see now you mean i couldn't copy your image from microMMC to BBB eMMC. If it is possible could you give more information about that how can i run your image after preparing bootable SD card?

    Thanks in Advance
    Best Regards,

  31. Finally, I run it but i have a problem. I couldn't show my console with the following command

    screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200

    when i run this command , i can't see any command. By the way, i am using console via usb

    Many Thanks
    Best Regards,
    Eren Basturk

    1. This is a question for one of the mailing lists (see the support link, above). I don't use the USB serial console, just the actual serial header and the native console (HDMI + USB Keyboard/mouse) along with the occasional ssh session, so I'm not sure what might be going wrong.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Manys thanks for your detailed answers . I will purchase a cable for booting section . I completed my boot process and LinuxCNC is working on beaglebone properly but i wonder that when i develop a product with linuxcnc on BBB to sell it how can i move my image to NAND section?

    Are you planing to develop an image for eMMC section?

    I will purchase a cable for booting section.

    Thanks a lot
    Best Regards,

    1. Currently the 2G eMMC isn't large enough to hold everything, so you need a 4G or larger uSD card. With the 4G eMMC coming on the new version BBB, it will be possible to install to the on-board flash. Also, once packages get built (work is in progress) and a full development environment is no longer necessary, it may be possible to fit into the 2G eMMC on the current BBB.

  34. LinuxCNC works on my BBB very well. If you do not mind I would like to ask some questions to you because you are the person who is creator of LinuxCNC on BBB.

    As far as I know , I don't need any latency test, don't I?

    At this point, my goal is drive a servo motor on BBB with LinuxCNC ,but I couldn't find any tutorial to run servo on BBB with Linuxcnc.

    If it is possible could you tell me that how should I start driving servo motor on BBB. If I do something such as driving servo motor on BBB . I can do rest of the system. I need your help in this point.

    I know, I have asked many question to you and you have spent many times for my questions ,but we want to develop a 3 axis CNC machine with LinuxCNC on BBB . We are on researching section of the project and I am the person who is responsible for this job.

    Also i would like to mention that when I run example program. LinuxCNC GUİ is handling the example G code very slowly with 1680x1050 resolution. Do you think LinuxCNC on BBB is suitable to develop a product?

    Many Thanks

    Best Regards,


    1. Please re-ask your question on the Machinekit mailing list:!forum/machinekit

      I don't mind providing support, but I really don't like doing it with blog comments.

  35. Thanks you so much. I wouldn't know this group.

    Thanks a lot

  36. Im foto payudara its not working through usb network, it keep trying and trying but never get paired.

    1. Please try the new image:

      If you have problems, see the Support tab:

  37. Hi,Can you tell me how to compile the kernel.I want to add my own Logo to replace the penguin of Linux when the Linux start.
    You can e-mail me

    1. Grab the build scripts from: and run ./ then ./tools/

    2. Thank you so much! I am succeed replacing the logo.But i find find another problem is that before running the Lightdm to login the Linux,the black screen can print a piece of word"Beaglebone Login".I want to know how to remove this word,don`t let it print out on the screen.

      Your question would be appropriate for the BeagleBoard Google group.

    4. Sorry,For the last question,I have tried my best,but i was not successful. But i find Ubuntu14.04 is very beautiful.Can you make a Machinekit based on Ubuntu14.04 on BBB.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Hello,These days,I tried PWM,but nothing worked.I have a doubt about the number
    follows "" .For example .if i want to use p8-13 to generate PWM ,which number should i set behind the word" "

    1. Please use the resources shown on the support tab for questions:

      The pin numbers are available in spreadsheet form on github:

  40. Thanks for all the hard work here. I am going down this path, but failing to "make" after installing the image here, because of some newer dependencies on uuid-runtime
    libzmq4-dev, and potentially other packages. This is what I get during ./configure:

    checking for CZMQ... no
    configure: error: Package requirements (libczmq > 2.0) were not met:

    No package 'libczmq' found

    This after installing


    Posted the question at the google group. If you have any insights, would be greatly appreciated. Thx.

  41. l scope (tnx for the pointer) checking e0.heater shows occasional blips with most ...

  42. Replies
    1. Please ask for help elsewhere (see the help tab, above). I just today followed the build from source instructions (from and didn't encounter this issue. I did hit a different snag (caused by the upstream libzmq package), and posted a temporary workaround to the Machinekit Google group.

  43. Is it possible that the regular Debian image build cycle make a 2gb machinekit sdcard image?
    If not, how can I put together one?
    It's because I have an old BBB with only 2gb of eMMC.
    Best Regards,

    1. Please see the "support" tab, above for details on how to ask for help. Short answer is you will have to build up a minimal image from scratch or something like the Debian console images if you want to fit into 2G eMMC. Or just use a 4G+ uSD card.

  44. Hello,
    I intalled "bone-debian-7.9-machinekit" and I run it.
    When I did:
    Sample configurations-> ARM-> BeagleBone-> PMDX432-> Standard_configs-> GPIO_Driven
    I received an error and a debug file information:
    bash: line0: echo: write error: No such file on directory
    Error loading device tree overlay file: BB_Black_LCNC_K9
    K9_Generic.hal:28:program :/' failed, returned1 3703 PIDTRY

    I don't understand what that mean, perhaps Machinekit have a problem?

  45. Hello,
    I intalled "bone-debian-7.9-machinekit" and I run it.

    When I did:
    Sample configurations-> ARM-> BeagleBone-> PMDX432-> Standard_configs-> GPIO_Driven

    I received an error and a debug file information:
    bash: line0: echo: write error: No such file on directory
    Error loading device tree overlay file: BB_Black_LCNC_K9
    K9_Generic.hal:28:program :/' failed, returned1 3703 PIDTRY

    I don't understand what that mean, perhaps Machinekit have a problem?

    1. See the support tab for how to ask for help. This is not the right place.

  46. I downloaded from the images site (as per link above) After loading it to Beaglebone it identifies itself as Debian 3.8. This does not sound right for "jessie". It should be 4.x . Shouldn't it?

    1. Please ask for support via the Machinekit google group.

      The Jessie images are new, and may have some build issues. What's in /etc/apt/sources and /etc/dogtag?

  47. I am unable to ssh into the BB with the credentials provided above. Are they still correct?
    un: machinekit
    pw: machinekit

    Thank you for the help
